Exhibitor Profile



VERBUND is Austria’s leading energy company and one of the largest producers of hydroelectricity in Europe. The Group generates around 97% of its electricity from renewable energy, primarily from hydropower. VERBUND trades electricity in 12 countries and generated around €874m group result and €1,579m in EBITDA in 2021 with approximately 3,200 employees. With its subsidiaries and partners, VERBUND is active in the generation of electricity, transmission and in international trading and sales. VERBUND has been quoted on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1988 with 51% of the share capital being held by the Republic of Austria.

VERBUND is one of the most environmentally friendly energy companies in Europe, contributes significantly to supply security and is particularly committed to climate and environmental protection, careful use of resources and social responsibility. Sustainability is an essential part of the corporate strategy and of the corporate responsibility which is defined in the code of conduct for sustainable management. VERBUND is working intensively on the expansion of renewable energy sources and is thus making a significant contribution to a low-carbon energy future. VERBUND is a signatory to the UN Global Compact and supports the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Further information: www.verbund.com




Head of Information Security



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