IDSF – Speaker Profile

Tadeuz Chomicki

Tadeusz CHOMICKI is a career diplomat and currently the Ambassador for Cyber & Tech Affairs at the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Previously, he served as Director of Asia Pacific Department, Director of Export Policy Department, Director of the Minister’s Office, and as a Deputy Director of Security Policy Department. He also served as Ambassador to the Republic of Korea (2001- 2005) and as Ambassador to China and to Mongolia (2009-2015).

In the past, he led Polish delegations in many organizations and mechanisms related to export controls of conventional arms and dual-use goods as well as to non-proliferation and control of WMD – like Wassenaar Arrangement (WA), Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), Australia Group (AG), Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), Zangger Committee (ZAC), Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), and Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI). He also participated in activities of relevant working groups and bodies of the EU, NATO, OSCE, and the UN. While working for the MFA, also served as a member of supervisory boards of companies in the defense sector.

He was also a UN civil officer during a peace operation in Cambodia (UNTAC, 1993), MFA Advisor to the Poland – China Parliamentary Group (2015-2019), Chairperson of the Program Council of the Poland – China Education Foundation (2015-2020).

Mr. Chomicki also worked as an academic teacher, researcher and visiting professor. He studied at the Warsaw University, Oxford University, and the European University Institute and was awarded an honorary doctorate in Hong Kong. For his service, he received orders and medals from governments of Poland, the Republic of Korea, Mongolia and honorary citizenships of Seoul, Harbin and Chengdu. Member of Oxford Society, Oxbridge Society of Poland, Polish Sociological Association. His interests include music, dancing, photography, skiing, scuba diving, golfing and travelling.

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